It's been a very long time since I've sat down to transfer my thoughts into some sort of writing. I think I need to make it a little more simple for myself since I'd rather be sitting in my studio creating something out of silver than typing on a computer. Maybe you bloggers could give me a few helpful hints about how to use the K.I.S.S. theory as it relates to simple blogging. Feel free to leave me some helpful hints in your comments.
Yesterday I finally finished a ring that I've been working on for three weeks. I got to the point of polishing and buffing - right before letting it take a dip in the smelly liver of sulfur bath. Then "IT" happened. I used a Tripoli compound on the buffing wheel. Tripoli compound takes more scratches off the surface than the Rouge compound with which I am most comfortable. Unfortunately, Tripoli took too much off in one place and I had to stop to fix it. I had taken such great pains with this ring during the entire soldering process, that I couldn't believe "IT" happened as I was nearing the end.
Of course, I started chastising myself for this really STUPID act. (you must be able to relate) I wanted to throw it through a window, sit down and cry. My instructor was wonderful and calm. She coached me through the "fix" and told me to be grateful that it could be fixed as she has many projects that had to be discarded into the "unfixable" bucket on her studio shelf. I took a deep breath and continued to see the beauty in this project.
It may have taken me three attempts to finally get it the way I wanted - that crazy buffing machine can be quite dangerous - and then it came time to set the stone. What? It doesn't sit right? It's tilted? How did "IT" happen? When I made the setting, it fit perfectly. And then that angel instructor of mine came over, suggested a slight adjustment, and it fit perfectly again!
Now it was time for me to bend the tabs that were designed to hold the stone in place. The tabs were slightly smaller than the end of the bezel setting tool, so I was frantically trying to find another tool that would work. I had given up. One of my classmates looked at my dilemma and said, "Oh, and you were SO close to finishing!" Why yes, yes I was. At that point, I walked back to my workstation ready to put the ring back in my supply box. My instructor walked up to me with a tool in her hand. It was exactly what I needed to complete the ring. However, I couldn't push the thick metal tab - I wasn't strong enough. She told me to get a small hammer and gently tap, tap, tap on the tab. It worked! I blurted out, "Rachel, you're a GENIUS!" She classmates laughed...I could have hugged her! (She's also one of my biggest metalsmithing cheerleaders.)
So, now you know why I've decided to name this beautiful ring "Rachel" - it's only right.
Looking forward...
~ Carole
C J Collection
Collections of Handcrafted Custom Jewelry & Inspirations
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Sunday, September 15, 2013
A Bit of the Past Enhances the Present
I will confess - I am very sentimental! My grandmother left me several items that mean a great deal to me, and my parents have given me things that they want me to have because they know I really like them. I have saved things my children made during their school years and beyond, and I've also saved various items my grandchildren have very lovingly made with me in mind! Of course, my closets can get a little "full", so I have to be careful I save only the "best of the best." I also have difficulty changing out the "old" pictures in my frames to replace with new ones - I just love looking back and reminiscing about "the good 'ol days."
When I was getting ready to set up my torch table, my brother stopped by for a visit. I was telling him what I thought I needed to make my torch table work best for me. He mentioned that he had a piece of marble that he had found under the house that had served as our family camp for many years. He believed that our grandfather had put this piece of marble under there with an idea that he might use it some day. Bill delivered it to me and said that I might want to have it cut to a good size since it was a bit uneven. He's right, it's 38 inches long, and is 15 inches on one end and 13.5 inches on the other, with a very jagged edge.
You might have guessed that I cannot bring myself to make any cuts to it - it's so very unique just as it is, and I love that it belonged to my grandfather. So, I will keep it in its original form - a piece of my heritage that might just help enhance my creative present and future! Here's a picture of this beautiful green, black, and white marble that must be around 60 years old and makes me smile every time I sit down to use my torch!
One thing I know for sure - it's very, very heavy! And when I laid it down on my table, I must have cleaned off 60 years of dirt to get to the real beauty of this great piece of marble.
I am grateful to have this beautiful piece of my past as part of my future.
When I was getting ready to set up my torch table, my brother stopped by for a visit. I was telling him what I thought I needed to make my torch table work best for me. He mentioned that he had a piece of marble that he had found under the house that had served as our family camp for many years. He believed that our grandfather had put this piece of marble under there with an idea that he might use it some day. Bill delivered it to me and said that I might want to have it cut to a good size since it was a bit uneven. He's right, it's 38 inches long, and is 15 inches on one end and 13.5 inches on the other, with a very jagged edge.
You might have guessed that I cannot bring myself to make any cuts to it - it's so very unique just as it is, and I love that it belonged to my grandfather. So, I will keep it in its original form - a piece of my heritage that might just help enhance my creative present and future! Here's a picture of this beautiful green, black, and white marble that must be around 60 years old and makes me smile every time I sit down to use my torch!
One thing I know for sure - it's very, very heavy! And when I laid it down on my table, I must have cleaned off 60 years of dirt to get to the real beauty of this great piece of marble.
I am grateful to have this beautiful piece of my past as part of my future.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
C J is "Back to School"
Fall means "Back to School." On several occasions, I made an attempt (albeit it, half-hearted) to go back to school to get that degree I was too busy to earn all of those years ago "BK" (before kids). I started. I stopped. Started. Stopped. I guess you can say I couldn't figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Oh, don't get me wrong, I have done plenty of things that have kept me busy over the past four and a half decades! But that's another post for another day.
Last winter, I decided to take a 12-week course in metalsmithing. Okay, so I finally found my true love for what school should really look and feel like for me. If I were to spell this kind of "school" it would be spelled F-U-N! I L-O-V-E it! It has opened up a whole new world for me.
Over the past several months, I have begun adding metalsmithing tools and equipment to my workspace. I've tried hard to turn this space into an organized studio where I can create beautiful jewelry. It's been challenging for me to figure out how to make a sturdy workbench for my torch, rolling mill, and tumbler. At this point, I might need to hire someone to help me get to where I want it to be, but for now, it's a place I love to go to get lost in my creative world.
It has taken a lot of courage for me to venture into using a torch to solder metal. I used to shake all over during my classes whenever I used the torch - it scared me so I jumped whenever I turned it on. When I first got my own torch, it took days (maybe weeks) to go get the tank to hook it all up. Then, whenever I wanted to turn it on, I broke out into a cold sweat and had heart palpitations so bad I thought I would pass out. This "schooling" has taught me so many things: courage to use the scarey equipment, courage to be okay with making a mistake with silver, and courage to try new things. I'm beginning to collect a "Silver Bucket of Mistakes", but what "metalsmither" doesn't have this type of collection? Although it has taken a lot of self-talk, I find that it's perfectly okay for me to make a mistake. Whether my project turns out great or whether it is added to the bucket collection, I'm learning and gaining skills I never had before. Now isn't that what school is all about?
So, my next 12 weeks of classes begin on September 24th. I've got a list of projects a mile long and can't wait to start learning new techniques. I'm very excited. I just can't decide what I want to tackle first. Good thing I have a couple of weeks to figure it all out.
Happy Fall,
Last winter, I decided to take a 12-week course in metalsmithing. Okay, so I finally found my true love for what school should really look and feel like for me. If I were to spell this kind of "school" it would be spelled F-U-N! I L-O-V-E it! It has opened up a whole new world for me.
Over the past several months, I have begun adding metalsmithing tools and equipment to my workspace. I've tried hard to turn this space into an organized studio where I can create beautiful jewelry. It's been challenging for me to figure out how to make a sturdy workbench for my torch, rolling mill, and tumbler. At this point, I might need to hire someone to help me get to where I want it to be, but for now, it's a place I love to go to get lost in my creative world.
It has taken a lot of courage for me to venture into using a torch to solder metal. I used to shake all over during my classes whenever I used the torch - it scared me so I jumped whenever I turned it on. When I first got my own torch, it took days (maybe weeks) to go get the tank to hook it all up. Then, whenever I wanted to turn it on, I broke out into a cold sweat and had heart palpitations so bad I thought I would pass out. This "schooling" has taught me so many things: courage to use the scarey equipment, courage to be okay with making a mistake with silver, and courage to try new things. I'm beginning to collect a "Silver Bucket of Mistakes", but what "metalsmither" doesn't have this type of collection? Although it has taken a lot of self-talk, I find that it's perfectly okay for me to make a mistake. Whether my project turns out great or whether it is added to the bucket collection, I'm learning and gaining skills I never had before. Now isn't that what school is all about?
So, my next 12 weeks of classes begin on September 24th. I've got a list of projects a mile long and can't wait to start learning new techniques. I'm very excited. I just can't decide what I want to tackle first. Good thing I have a couple of weeks to figure it all out.
Happy Fall,
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
A Snow Day = Pajama Work Day
When I woke up to snow this morning (the last day of Winter), and discovered all area schools were cancelled as well as my metalsmithing class, I decided to declare a Pajama Work Day for myself. It's one of the perks of being your own boss. It's also something I learned about from my youngest grandgirl, who loved it when she had pajama day at preschool a couple of weeks ago.
I spent time researching and working on a few designs for my new line of Newborn Photography Photo Props. Needless to say, I was in creative heaven. And when you can't find a pattern on line, you make your own, don't you? Well, that's what works for me, so I assume I'm not alone.
Here are a few of the things I worked on today...
Butterfly Barefoot Sandals which I cannot wait to see on some sweet baby's feet!
Flower Barefoot Sandals with ribbon ties are made with Vintage Antique Mohair yarn.
The Denim Mist Newborn Boy Visor Cap is so cute, but it really needs a wooden button on the side...which I will add once it stops snowing and I can get to the store without risk of running off the road.
Besides creating these pieces, I've also been working on a photo prop baby hammock/basket liner. As soon as it's done, I will post a picture. June Lamson Photography will be photographing some of my props - I just can't wait for some professional pictures, since a photographer I am NOT! By the way, go ahead and "Like" her Facebook page - June Lamson Photography - you'll love seeing her work even if you don't live in Florida.
More later...I promise!
I spent time researching and working on a few designs for my new line of Newborn Photography Photo Props. Needless to say, I was in creative heaven. And when you can't find a pattern on line, you make your own, don't you? Well, that's what works for me, so I assume I'm not alone.
Here are a few of the things I worked on today...
Butterfly Barefoot Sandals which I cannot wait to see on some sweet baby's feet!
Flower Barefoot Sandals with ribbon ties are made with Vintage Antique Mohair yarn.
The Denim Mist Newborn Boy Visor Cap is so cute, but it really needs a wooden button on the side...which I will add once it stops snowing and I can get to the store without risk of running off the road.
Besides creating these pieces, I've also been working on a photo prop baby hammock/basket liner. As soon as it's done, I will post a picture. June Lamson Photography will be photographing some of my props - I just can't wait for some professional pictures, since a photographer I am NOT! By the way, go ahead and "Like" her Facebook page - June Lamson Photography - you'll love seeing her work even if you don't live in Florida.
More later...I promise!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
A Sneak Peak at Another Collection
When I was deciding on a name for my jewelry business and trying to create my logo, I was advised by a then student at Watson College of Art in Nashville, (my favorite Guy) to keep the name non-specific to jewelry so I would have room to add different "collections" to my business. At the time, I waffled on that idea because I couldn't think of anything else I would want to do. But, I listened, and now I am very grateful that I did so.
It was my sister, June, who inspired me to try my hand at jewelry......and it sure came in handy when, two years ago, I stopped getting into my car at 7:30 every morning to begin my day as a Manager of Direct Marketing. I'll stop here to admit that I have not yet declared official my own mind, I'm not old enough!
Recently, I was sitting listening to Beth Moore present a weekly Bible study from the Book of James. She said something that hit me......hard. Since my memory can no longer recall verbatim, the gist of her message was...sometimes our closets indicate we might be "hoarders." I tried to dismiss the conviction, until the very next day when I went to one of my many, very full closets to find some fabric with texture for a metalsmithing project. There I spotted four baby afghans that I had made but never gave away. Now I'll stop again to say...I did not make these afghans for myself! When I made them, there were a lot of young ladies in my life having babies!
The day after I had discovered the baby afghans in the much too full closet, I was working through that day's study. My sister was heavy on my heart, so I decided I should call her. While talking, I asked about her new venture......a photography business. And let me just say, she's got a great eye for this type of thing! She's creative and I love her work! The thought came to me that maybe she could use the blankets for newborn photo shoots. I sent her some pictures...she welcomed the idea...and then began the brainstorming for another collection - Newborn Photography Props! (Knitted and crocheted blankets, cocoons with caps, hats with flowers, headbands, tutus of every color with a matching tutu bear, word bracelets for wrists or ankles......Oh my, it's endless.) the very near future, I will be introducing Newborn Photography Prop Sets and will add them to my Etsy page. June Lamson Photography is my very first customer. Two boxes were shipped to Port St Lucie, Florida on Friday and should arrive by the end of this week. I just can't wait to see her beautiful work coupled with my all seems like a match made in Heaven!
Let me just share one of her newborn photos with you so you can see what I'm talking about......(and this one makes me smile!)
And here is a picture of one of those four original baby afghans in the box soon to be photographed by June Lamson Photography...
There's so much more that I have yet to photograph......"a woman's work is never done!" So, if you are a photographer, or you know someone who is......please contact me for some very original newborn photography props!
It was my sister, June, who inspired me to try my hand at jewelry......and it sure came in handy when, two years ago, I stopped getting into my car at 7:30 every morning to begin my day as a Manager of Direct Marketing. I'll stop here to admit that I have not yet declared official my own mind, I'm not old enough!
Recently, I was sitting listening to Beth Moore present a weekly Bible study from the Book of James. She said something that hit me......hard. Since my memory can no longer recall verbatim, the gist of her message was...sometimes our closets indicate we might be "hoarders." I tried to dismiss the conviction, until the very next day when I went to one of my many, very full closets to find some fabric with texture for a metalsmithing project. There I spotted four baby afghans that I had made but never gave away. Now I'll stop again to say...I did not make these afghans for myself! When I made them, there were a lot of young ladies in my life having babies!
The day after I had discovered the baby afghans in the much too full closet, I was working through that day's study. My sister was heavy on my heart, so I decided I should call her. While talking, I asked about her new venture......a photography business. And let me just say, she's got a great eye for this type of thing! She's creative and I love her work! The thought came to me that maybe she could use the blankets for newborn photo shoots. I sent her some pictures...she welcomed the idea...and then began the brainstorming for another collection - Newborn Photography Props! (Knitted and crocheted blankets, cocoons with caps, hats with flowers, headbands, tutus of every color with a matching tutu bear, word bracelets for wrists or ankles......Oh my, it's endless.) the very near future, I will be introducing Newborn Photography Prop Sets and will add them to my Etsy page. June Lamson Photography is my very first customer. Two boxes were shipped to Port St Lucie, Florida on Friday and should arrive by the end of this week. I just can't wait to see her beautiful work coupled with my all seems like a match made in Heaven!
Let me just share one of her newborn photos with you so you can see what I'm talking about......(and this one makes me smile!)
And here is a picture of one of those four original baby afghans in the box soon to be photographed by June Lamson Photography...
There's so much more that I have yet to photograph......"a woman's work is never done!" So, if you are a photographer, or you know someone who is......please contact me for some very original newborn photography props!
Friday, March 15, 2013
I Get By With A Little Help From My Friend
Yes, it's been almost nine months since my last blog entry, and as I attempted to spruce up my blog design, I panicked when I couldn't remember how to navigate templates, backgrounds, fonts, centering, photos and links, so I decided to put in a call for a helping hand.
What does one do when they are desperate for help? Yes, you guessed it...I sent out an SOS to my friend, Tracy T. Tracy helped me set up my blog two years ago...and since she blogs DAILY, I figured she could give me a remedial training session to get me going again! (I can only aspire to be the Blog Queen like my friend!) She even made her blog for today about our time together this afternoon. Check out Mainely Tracy's'll get to see me at work! The picture might have been taken right after we bravely changed some HTML code. Wow, that was a little stressful!
Not only do I now have a new look to my blog, I also have the "Blogsy" app for my iPad so I can compose a new blog from that as well. (No excuses, huh?) Maybe I'll be brave enough to do it from there soon.
I will admit that there is a motivation for refreshing my page. I am getting ready to launch a new "Collection" to C J Collection...we're not just jewelry anymore. In my next blog post, I will talk about my new line...but you might already have picked up on it if you read my new blog description in the Blog Header. I am always excited for opportunities that take me deeper into my "creative world"...I sometimes get lost, very lost (just ask my hubby)...and if I'm honest, I don't want to be found.
All-in-all, I feel very accomplished today. Learning new technology stuff is always a stretch for me, and Tracy is so patient! Tons of love and thanks to Tracy for getting me back on track!
And as Pete the Cat says, "It's all good!"
What does one do when they are desperate for help? Yes, you guessed it...I sent out an SOS to my friend, Tracy T. Tracy helped me set up my blog two years ago...and since she blogs DAILY, I figured she could give me a remedial training session to get me going again! (I can only aspire to be the Blog Queen like my friend!) She even made her blog for today about our time together this afternoon. Check out Mainely Tracy's'll get to see me at work! The picture might have been taken right after we bravely changed some HTML code. Wow, that was a little stressful!
Not only do I now have a new look to my blog, I also have the "Blogsy" app for my iPad so I can compose a new blog from that as well. (No excuses, huh?) Maybe I'll be brave enough to do it from there soon.
I will admit that there is a motivation for refreshing my page. I am getting ready to launch a new "Collection" to C J Collection...we're not just jewelry anymore. In my next blog post, I will talk about my new line...but you might already have picked up on it if you read my new blog description in the Blog Header. I am always excited for opportunities that take me deeper into my "creative world"...I sometimes get lost, very lost (just ask my hubby)...and if I'm honest, I don't want to be found.
All-in-all, I feel very accomplished today. Learning new technology stuff is always a stretch for me, and Tracy is so patient! Tons of love and thanks to Tracy for getting me back on track!
And as Pete the Cat says, "It's all good!"
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Silence Is Not Always Golden!
What have I been doing these past six months? Good question! For some reason, I manage to keep very busy...but not always doing the things I love the most! There's no way I can summarize these last months in one post, so I'll give it to you in bits and pieces. Here's the first of several "bits"...
I spent a total of four short weeks (from January into February) taking care of grand-baby #8 while her babysitter recuperated from surgery. While Viv is technically past the baby stage (she's 2), she is the baby of all of my grandchildren. It definitely was a different routine for me (and for Viv), but I was so glad I was available to have this quality time with her! We had a blast!
In March, I attended a bead show in Pompano Beach, FL. After I experienced my first show a few years ago, I learned that my brain goes into overload upon entering a convention center full of beads of all colors, sizes and shapes...along with so many other things that serve to fill my head with such an abundance of creative ideas! Now, before I go to a show, I sit down and make a "Supply List" and vow to stick to the list! (Yeah, right...but I have good intentions!)
At the top of the paper is a note to myself to be on the lookout for a new technique or idea that will appeal to those of you who love jewelry as much as I do! And of course, this show did not disappoint...I found a new design using rolo chain and leather cord. This cuff style bracelet is adjustable, very comfortable, and is one that can be done in just about any color chain and leather.

The one on the left is made with two strands of silver plated rolo chain and silver pearlescent leather cord. The one on the right is made with three strands of silver plated rolo chain and turquoise leather cord. I've made them with antique silver, copper, brass and goldtone, copper, champagne, black, brown, green, and turquoise leather. Such endless possibilities!
After mastering the cuff style, I went on to make a double wrap bracelet with burgundy leather cord and four sizes of platinum Swarovski pearls...and, as you can see, it was much more of a challenge...but beautiful for sure!
I've done one other style of leather and chain in a triple wrap in goldtone chain and gold pearlescent leather and the other one in silver plated chain and black leather. I have not yet photographed the silver and black, but here's a picture of the triple wrap bracelet done in the gold-on-gold combination. The clasp is a loop on one end and a base metal button on the other end.
I spent a total of four short weeks (from January into February) taking care of grand-baby #8 while her babysitter recuperated from surgery. While Viv is technically past the baby stage (she's 2), she is the baby of all of my grandchildren. It definitely was a different routine for me (and for Viv), but I was so glad I was available to have this quality time with her! We had a blast!
At the top of the paper is a note to myself to be on the lookout for a new technique or idea that will appeal to those of you who love jewelry as much as I do! And of course, this show did not disappoint...I found a new design using rolo chain and leather cord. This cuff style bracelet is adjustable, very comfortable, and is one that can be done in just about any color chain and leather.
The one on the left is made with two strands of silver plated rolo chain and silver pearlescent leather cord. The one on the right is made with three strands of silver plated rolo chain and turquoise leather cord. I've made them with antique silver, copper, brass and goldtone, copper, champagne, black, brown, green, and turquoise leather. Such endless possibilities!
After mastering the cuff style, I went on to make a double wrap bracelet with burgundy leather cord and four sizes of platinum Swarovski pearls...and, as you can see, it was much more of a challenge...but beautiful for sure!
I've done one other style of leather and chain in a triple wrap in goldtone chain and gold pearlescent leather and the other one in silver plated chain and black leather. I have not yet photographed the silver and black, but here's a picture of the triple wrap bracelet done in the gold-on-gold combination. The clasp is a loop on one end and a base metal button on the other end.
Of course, I have plenty of exciting designs to talk about, but I'll save them for the next writing or two. I haven't really been silent...I've been in my loft bending and hammering wire, and dapping! Sometimes my hubby thinks it sounds like Santa's workshop!
"Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver."
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