Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's the Heart of the Family that Matters!

I'm sorry to say...I've had writer's block over the past several months.  On the other hand, I am happy to report, it's all due to the fact that I've been really busy going to craft shows and filling orders!

I think I could write a book entitled "A Beginner's Guide to Craft Shows."  I learned a great deal from this experience, and I am looking forward to what I can do next year!  My work was received well by the people who stopped by my booth...but I have to admit, I cringed when some of them tried to barter the price (flea-market-style).  I actually find that pricing a piece is harder than designing and making it...and to be honest, it's a fight to be paid the full amount of what a piece is really worth.  So, when someone looks at the price tag and they either do an "eye-roll" as they set it back in place...or try to barter with me, I have to quickly do some self-talk so I don't start emitting steam from my ears.  (I think this could be a whole blog topic in itself.)

With all of my 21 years in the world of customer service, I knew I had to listen to the customers and reach out in a way that would be different than all of the many talented jewelers out there.  While I didn't "make it rich" at the five craft shows I attended, I am "rich" by the experience.  I watched what people were drawn to, what they tried on, and what they said they were looking for in a piece of jewelry.

Out of my observations (and plenty of prayer), came my hammered silver Heart of the Family birthstone pendant.  People like custom-made...they love their family...they love to feel special...and this pendant hits all of those characteristics to qualify for "just the perfect gift." 

The heart is sculpted with 16 gauge sterling silver wire, the birthstones are 4mm bicone Swarovski crystals, and comes on an 18 inch sterling silver chain with a SS shepherd's hook clasp.  The heart is prayerfully hammered by me, giving it a lot of character.

At first I was frustrated with how I could possibly get the Heart of the Family pendant listed on my Etsy page...until I figured out that I could list them individually by the number of birthstones that make up individual families.  It works great...and now that I have one on its way to Alaska, I'm sure you can tell just how excited I am!

Family...something that means the world to me.  When I look at this heart with the birthstones, it gives me a quick picture of each family.  Some are extremely colorful...and each one is definitely unique.

          a. A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children.
          b. Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place.
I love the second definition of the word "family." Recently, I viewed pictures submitted in a Family Photo Contest sponsored by Better Homes and Garden (which I don't recommend). I can tell you what a family is not...it is not one lonely bird sitting on a snow-covered branch, or a Christmas tree with presents waiting to be opened, or a Christmas tree that was set ablaze in the backyard, or even one cute baby sitting on a bench.  It is all of (b.) and then some...long-term commitments to one another = unconditional love, and acceptance of our differences.
As we approach this Christmas season...a time of giving and loving...don't forget the importance of family!  Don't count the number of gifts under the tree...the gift of family is ALL you need...trust me, you are truly "rich!"
Merry Christmas to you and your family,

Sunday, November 20, 2011

'Tis the Season for Craft Shows!

I've never been one to go out of my way to seek out craft shows...until now.  I didn't decide to seek them out for my own personal shopping pleasure.  But rather, it is my first Christmas shopping season for being a vendor at craft shows.  Since the end of October, I have rented a booth at three events and have two more to go.  I knew going into it that I would have a lot to learn...but this has been a rather wild and crazy learning experience!  I thought I would share some of my experiences with you...
  • Don't go into one of these events with a "Flea Market" mentality...No, I will not "haggle" with you over my price.  I've got to cover expenses, not just for the booth space, but also for cost of goods, packaging, time, and not to mention, gas money!
  • Yes, there are quite a number of jewelers out there, but each of us has our own creative genius behind our creations.  I just love and appreciate other artist's talent.
  • A craft show is a place where you can pick up some very unique items from some very talented people...handcrafted...not "manufactured" stuff...all the while, supporting local businesses or artists.
  • I don't know another place where you can go to a concession stand and get a BBQ pork sandwich for $2.00 and a soda for $1.00.  Or, buy a coffee and get a donut hole free!
Family always strikes a cord with people..."The Heart of the Family" pendant seems to also strike a cord.  This has to be my most favorite piece of all time.  I was frustrated with trying to figure out a way to list them on my Etsy page...until today.  I finally have thought of a way to make it happen and I will be listing them in the next couple of days, so be watching!  Here is a picture:

This is a sample of a mother's birthstone (in the center) and two birthstones at the bottom of the heart which represents the birthstones of each child.  Today I made one for a Grandmother of seven...three stones in the center and four stones at the bottom.  It was beautiful!

The other most popular item was the "Tutu Cute" bears.  It's really not about a bear wearing a tutu as much as it is about the necklace and bracelet set that comes on the bear.  Once I am done with the craft shows, I will also start listing the "My Bear and Me" jewelry line on my Etsy page.  They really are adorable...and all of the jewelry is different...no two necklace and bracelet sets are alike!  So, one-of-a-kind jewelry for that special little girl in your life for only $24.00.

And my final learning?  Wear comfortable shoes!  I love my Danskos...worth every penny!

I hope to see you at a craft show soon,

Monday, October 17, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Fun?

Has it really been three months since I last posted on my blog?  Where has the time gone?  Summer is now just a memory...but great memories were made with family and friends.  My North Carolina daughter and her family came for an extended visit, my parents came up from Florida for a month, and my cousins came up from Philadelphia...cousins I haven't seen in many, many years.  It was awesome!

Of course, I designed and created jewelry whenever I had a quiet moment.  I will admit, there were times when I didn't have any inspiration whatsoever, so my jewelry tools sat on the work table feeling quite neglected.  I was actually ready to give it all up...feeling as though my jewelry was pretty lackluster at best.  Needless to say, I did a lot of soul-searching...asking myself questions like, "Who would ever want to buy this stuff?" and, "What do you really want to do when you grow up?" And then...out of the blue...there were some sales.

As I started to make my way back to my workstation, and my hands gripped the lonely pliers, I felt confident that I could continue on my creative journey again.  As I began to think about how to market my collection, I decided to search for some craft shows for the Fall.  While this is a real stretch for me, I have been really determined that I need to take a deep breath, take a huge risk, and just go for it!

I am happy to report (I think) that I will be a vendor at three Maine Made Craft Shows - the weekend of October 29 and 30, November 12 and 13, and November 19 and 20.  Depending on how things go, there's a possibility I may do one more on Thanksgiving weekend.  In addition, I may also be having some home parties. Wow...and now another season will fly by!

You better believe my hands just can't keep up with my brain and all of the fabulous designs that I want to make before the end of the month!  I have been spending a lot of time with my jewelry tools lately!  If you're a friend of C J Collection on Facebook, you've seen some of my newest designs.  Here's one that I just finished yesterday, and I absolutely love it!

This Kumihimo necklace has so much bling, you need to wear sunglasses to look at it!  It's one of the most elegant necklaces so far.  Braided with black, silver, and charcoal AB crystals, it has a multi-rhinestone focal bead in the center. This necklace measures 18 inches with a 1.5 inch chain extender, and a sterling silver shepherd's hook clasp.

It's so good to be back at it again...doing what I really love to do.  Now to finish all of the items on my very long "To Do List!"

"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." ~ Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

Living in the northeast, we long for warm weather somewhere around January. This year, the warmth arrived sometime in May, then it disappeared until July. Summer just can't come quick enough for us, but when it gets here, it flies by. There are so many things to do and we (I) start making lists because I don't want to miss out on any of it. As soon as I cross out one item on my list, there are two more to take its place. If you're a list-maker, you truly understand what I'm saying!

Needless to say, I've been really, really busy with my "To-Do list." (It's the first summer that I haven't worked at a job in 21 years, so this has been a treat for me.) I'm trying to juggle family and my jewelry business...both of which are things I love!  So far, July has had a wedding theme. I began the month by making a wedding cake...which is both fun and stressful all at the same time. I love creating and designing, and seeing the final product work its way from my head to reality. It amazes me every time. Here is a picture of the cake:

After finishing that project, I moved on to making wedding jewelry. Six of the eight attendants...got necklaces and earrings or bracelets and the two flower girls got bracelets. The necklaces and bracelets were created with 4mm plum Swarovski pearls and plum crystals...delicate and dainty. The Matron of Honor's jewelry was done in white rather than plum, just to make her a little bit different from the other attendants.

I probably got the biggest thrill from creating the bride's bracelet. As I began putting it together, I became more and more excited about the outcome. It has sparkle and shine like nobody's business! Anyone who knows me, knows how much I LOVE bling! This piece has more "bling" than you can imagine, and unfortunately, it doesn't show up in pictures. So the next item on my "list" is to figure out how to capture "bling" in a photo...which may involve a new camera or some photography lessons, or both. Of course it didn't help that I dropped my camera in the lake...but that's another story for another day.  Here's a picture of the bracelet:
I wish I had room to post all of the wedding jewelry pictures. If you want to see more, you can become a fan of C J Collection on Facebook and peruse the photos that I posted there.

Now that I've crossed that project off my list, I am trying decide which item I want to tackle next. I'm somewhat sad that I don't have another wedding project...since I crave "bling"...guess I'll have to see what I can do to create some sparkle and shine during these Dog Days of Summer!

Enjoy every moment...summers are too short, and so is life!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

No More Teachers, No More Books...

One of my childhood chants at the end of each school year was, "No more teachers, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks." Like a great many kids, I had a strong dislike for school. It wasn't until many years later that I had a change of heart. I just loved this chant...mainly because it meant spending the entire summer vacation up to our camp on Sebago Lake. I have sweet, fond, and strong memories of my summers there and was probably the only member of my family who loved it the way I did.

When my twins were young...probably as far back as when they were five or six, they played school every afternoon after they got home from school. By the time their little sister was able to walk and sit at a make-shift desk, they were excited that they had a "student" they could teach! I remember the days when I would be getting dinner ready, listening to them play school...no TV...just good clean fun teaching their student, who might not have always been cooperative, but that's another topic for another blog. ;o)

As time passed, their "playing school" turned into a real calling. Donna graduated from UNCW with her teaching degree in elementary and special education. Today she is a middle school special education teacher. Debra is working on completing her degree so she can focus on the social work side of education. She has been very active in assisting in her children's classrooms and directing children's ministry for several years. Yes, I am a very proud Momma.

So, this gives you a little more insight as to why I have changed my childhood chant into a grown-up cheer for our teachers! Now, I know my children didn't always have good experiences with all of their teachers, and we had some battles throughout the years. But the majority of their teachers had a heart for kids, academics, and growth on both an intellectual and social level.

Last week, I decided to give two of my grandgirl's teachers a custom-made bracelet from the C J Collection as a thank-you gift for their hard work. Since I don't like to give random gifts, I quizzed the girls about their teachers...what colors do they like, what do they wear for jewelry, and so forth. It helps give me inspiration so it's not just another gift that they throw in a drawer somewhere. (I've got some inside scoop as to what teachers like for gifts and what they don't like!) So, after we talked about their teachers, here's what I came up with:

This fifth grade teacher likes neutral colors and loves jewelry...freshwater pearls and illusion crystals with silver shepherd's hook clasp and chain to make it adjustable.

This third grade teacher loves purple...made with light purple quartz, variegated square glass beads, and darker purple illusion crystals, with silver shepherd's hook clasp and chain to make it adjustable.

It might be time for me to come up with a new chant I can teach my grandkids...maybe it will be as "catchy" as the old one. Any ideas? Teachers rule, students drool...oh wait...I think I'm confused with another "chant."

Okay, so I'm off to create something more original!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

"Grandmothers are just antique little girls."

Little did I know over fourteen years ago that I would love, love being a grandmother. Since I was feeling too young to be called the "G" word, we decided my grandkids would call me "Mimi." Yes, I am one of those people who are quite sensitive about the "number." And no, I will not be getting over it anytime soon!

Over the past few months I have been able to spend more time with my grandchildren. What a treat! Most of the time, they make me feel young. They are growing up right before my eyes, and that's when I feel old!  In a few days, my fourteen year old grandgirl will be graduating from eighth grade...it just doesn't seem possible! Another granddaughter and grandson are going from elementary school into middle school. Wow! Where has the time gone?

This week, I created a necklace, earrings, and bracelet set for Gabby's eighth grade graduation. She will be wearing a pink and black semi-formal dress and will be looking oh so grown up! The necklace is made with light pink Swarovski pearls and silver crystals, and multi-faceted clouded pink crystals that add just enough sparkle and bling. Here is a picture...

While I am excited to see her all "dolled up", I don't know if I can make it through this graduation with emotions in tact. Gabby is a great kid...sensitive, creative, loving, and beautiful, and I've begged her to stay a little tyke. (I've actually asked all of my grandkids to stay small, but they aren't listening.) G has told me a couple of times that adults aren't invited to the dance that's going to be held after the graduation ceremony. Thinking her comment was funny, I told her that I already had my dress...I am chaperoning it. She didn't laugh...which made it even funnier! I'm not actually going to be a chaperone, but I'm kicking myself for not calling the school to volunteer. No problem, I have more grandkids coming along and then there's always G's junior and senior proms! ;o) More than likely, she won't be amused by this thought, but I do like to tease her a little bit now and then. Adore you, Miss G!

Happy 8th Grade Graduation to G! I am so proud of you...I can't believe this Mimi will have a grandgirl in high school. I know you're trying to make me feel old...but I'm fighting the feeling...hard!

"A grandmother is a mother who has a second chance."


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lost At Sea

For the past week we have enjoyed some awesome Florida weather, and some quality time with my parents.  Hubby and I took one of our grandgirls with us for this visit and it definitely was one of the best vacations I've had in a few years.  I didn't keep a calendar...make a "to-do list"...nor did I bring a work laptop with me and log in remotely to the office.  Of course, I did bring some jewelry-making supplies with me, but that's just not "work", if you know what I mean.  Yes, I made some jewelry pieces, but I actually laid on a float in the pool and read two and a half books on my Kindle.  And I have a great tan!

Since yesterday was our last full day in Paradise, we decided to take a trip to Bathtub Beach to enjoy the ocean and collect some shells.  It was a hazy day, so the sun was not scorching us.  I walked along the sandy edge and the waves were pretty strong compared to other trips to that beach.  While I was looking for shells, I noticed that my toe ring felt somewhat loose and I had to keep adjusting it.  This was my very first sterling toe ring I had made earlier this month...which I posted about in my last blog entitled "Happy Feet." 

I stopped shell-hunting and decided that I might want to join my hubby and granddaughter, Lucy.  They were swimming and having a great time trying to body surf on the bigger waves.  It looked like so much fun...but something that I need to convince myself to do since I think I might be a bit too old for this type of activity. As I stood in ankle-deep water with waves coming in and going out at a rapid pace, I noticed my toe ring had moved to the top of my toe.  I bent down to take it off and had my fingers on it at the same moment a wave hit me, and I lost my balance.  You guessed it...I didn't actually have a good enough hold and it slipped right into the ocean.  It was gone...it all happened so fast.

As I stood there trying not to be upset, Lucy came over to me.  I asked her if she would use her goggles to see if she could find it.  She was more than happy to help recover my lost toe ring.  Little did I know right before that happened, my hubby had a similar experience with his college ring that he has worn for the past 40 years.  He's lost so much weight, his ring slips off easily. While he was swimming in the ocean, it fell off his finger. He quickly used Lucy's goggles to find it again, which truly amazes me!  How much more meaningful was his college ring compared to my first-ever sterling silver hammered toe ring? I was SO happy for him!

Lucy said, "Don't worry, Mimi, we can get you another toe ring."  When I told her that I had made it, she said she thought I could make another one.  So I sat on my towel on the beach and tried to design a new toe ring in my mind that I would like better.  I was sad but only for a brief moment...there are so many things in life that aren't replaceable and I just couldn't allow myself to dwell on something as simple as a lost toe ring. We even joked about the fish that would come and swallow it up, and then the fisherman who will catch and clean the fish only to discover a nice piece of silver in its belly!

Of course when I went back to my parent's house, I took out my silver wire and started bending and hammering.  It came out different than my mind had designed, but I just never know how any of my pieces will actually look until it's all done.  I put it on and showed Lucy.  She said, "Oh Mimi, that one is much better than your other one."  I just love that girl's heart!

Here is a picture of my new "Tootsie" ring:

Yes, one ring was "lost at sea", while the other, much more important and sentimental ring was "recovered" from the bottom of the ocean.  I still have "Happy Feet" and a very happy hubby!

Moving forward and enjoying the important things in life!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Feet!

Thank goodness it's sandal season...love, love my sandals! Whenever I uncover my sore feet from the dreaded winter shoes and boots, my feet cry for some pampering. While I've been wearing sandals for a few days now, I got a really good view of my feet when I sat in the dentist's chair this morning getting my teeth cleaned.  For the record, that is my least favorite thing (dental chairs) in the whole world!

Anyway, as I was reclining in said chair, I had time to study my sandals, feet, and toe rings. Love, love toe rings! I was not impressed with how my rings had fared the winter...dull and very old looking. I couldn't get too bothered by it since they didn't cost a lot and I felt I did get my money's worth.  I was trying to picture what kind of rings I wanted to replace them with and then I instantly had the idea that I could make myself new rings!  So rather than let my blood pressure sky-rocket as it typically does whenever I go to the dentist, I sat there trying to design new toe rings!  What better way to pass that kind of time?

Before I knew it, forty-five minutes had passed and my dentist came in to check my teeth with the hygienist. I laughed when his first question to me was, "Now I know I'm not really current on fashion and nail polish etiquette, but is it okay to have one color polish on your fingers and another color on your toes?" The hygienist quickly pointed out that the nail polish on my fingers matched my necklace, but my dentist couldn't get past the fact that my pink toe polish didn't match my aqua finger nail polish. What struck me funny about his question was that after I had painted my nails aqua yesterday, my hubby, who barely ever says anything about those sorts of things, asked me if I had ever worn that color before. When I said, "No, I don't think I have," he then said, "I mean, you have never, ever worn that color in all of the years I've known you." My interpretation? He hates the color! ;o)

You might have already suspected that when I came home from my dentist appointment, I went up to my studio and began working on toe rings!  Yes, I have pictures of the "before" and "after"...but not of my feet...that would be an awful picture to post!

If you look closely, the ring on the left is split...it broke when I took it off.  I guess I knew it was time to let go of the old...which is a current and on-going theme in my life right now!

These "Tootsie" rings are made with 16 gauge hammered sterling silver wire.  (The one on the right is softly hammered and the one on the left is boldly hammered.)  I did make a third ring, but it ended up as a pinky ring...it has an aqua bead wired to it that matches my aqua nail polish! ;o)

To refer to my last blog post, inspiration can even come while sitting in the dental chair.  I wonder if they will look at me funny when I go to my November cleaning appointment wearing sandals. 

I think my feet are very, very happy...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Inspiration Comes in Many Different Forms

Have you ever been aware of the things that inspire you?  Since I've been designing jewelry, my inspiration has come in many different forms.  Most of the time, it's something that I've stumbled across.  For example, while helping one of my daughters clean out her basement recently (fulfilling my "urge to purge"), I found a piece of costume jewelry that gave me a great idea about a new design using freshwater pearls.  Sunday I sat in church with my friend who wore turquoise and coral...it was stunning!  So now I'm trying to think of what I can design using that color combination.

Last year, I made a great necklace for my daughter for her birthday (with my sister's help).  It has to be one of my favorites and, I have to say, it was really tough parting with it.  The other day Deb said, "Mom, every time I wear that necklace, it makes my heart happy."  As she studied it further, she was inspired to decorate her bedroom with those colors and wants to hang a framed picture of the necklace to document her inspiration.  She even sent me a link to a comforter set she found online that will work perfectly with her "Butterfly Hugs necklace bedroom." Let's just hope her hubby won't mind the new theme.  <insert smiley face here>

Here's the picture that will be framed:

I really can't wait to see how she ties this all together...but with her talent for decorating, I'm sure it will look awesome!

While it wasn't planned, it's been rather nice having the time to bring some of my inspirations to life in the form of jewelry.  If you have an idea for a special piece of jewelry to go with that special outfit, please let me know and I will be more than happy to work with you.

Let me just put in a plug for Mother's Day - it's right around the corner, and handcrafted jewelry makes a great gift!

Inspiring minds really want to grow!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Amazing Grace! How Sweet!

A couple of weeks ago, my friend Lynne asked if I would donate a piece of jewelry to a charity event for Kid's First, an organization in which she and her husband are involved.  I jumped at the opportunity for several reasons, and for those of you who know a little bit about my life's journey, I'm sure you understand why.  For the benefit of my new friends, let me tell you that one of my daughters has gone through the trauma of divorce.  Enough said?

As I was contemplating which item to donate to the Fundraising Gala, I found myself in a dilemma.  There was something special about each piece, but I wasn't sure if the "special-ness" would be appreciated by those who were going to be bidding on it.  Again, for those who know me well, I am very critical of my work and I over-think things a lot!  (Just ask my girls...it's a point of frustration for them, I'm sure!)  But to my defense, I didn't want to donate just anything without first thinking about the audience and the occasion.  It's just part of the drill for me...so I prayed for wisdom.

This particular necklace had not yet been named.  Of course it needed a name, so as I photographed and measured it, I sat quietly looking at it.  Thinking about "Kid's First"...and the mission behind this organization, I realized that going through these life events takes a whole lot of GRACE!  Yes, I have watched my daughter show grace when I just wanted to lash out.  Yes, there's been lots of tears, but  grace abounds for the kid's sake!

Here's a picture of sweet "Grace" that will be an item at the Gala.  It's a black and red Kumihimo necklace with matching earrings.  (pronounced koo-mee-hee-mo)   Kumihimo is the art of braiding eight strands of beads together and dropping one bead at a time as the cords are interlaced.

I'm not going to apologize for the seriousness of this post...it's life, we all go through "stuff" and folks, I just want to keep it real.  Let's face it...we need lots and lots of grace...it makes the burden lighter.  And there are times when I need people to show me some grace, too!

"God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other." ~R. Neibuhr

I am so excited to see what this "Grace" can do...and I hope she gently and sweetly hugs the neck of the person who is the highest bidder!  

Go With Grace!

Friday, April 15, 2011

More Than Just Tax Day For Me!

For most of you reading this blog post, today is the day when taxes are due to be filed.  And in our case, checks are required to accompany the tax filing form!  As important as that may be, it's not what April 15th means to me.

Thirty-three years ago today, I gave birth to a beautiful blonde baby girl!  Even though she came into this world in a breach position, she was a blessing beyond words.  You see, I had difficulties with my pregnancies, so we were very happy she was born healthy and on her due date!

The night before she made her appearance, my hubby told her that it would be best for our schedules if she would come out on Saturday, April 15th.  (Yes, he did talk to her while she was bumping my belly with her feet and fists.) It was a long holiday weekend for him and her older twin sisters had school vacation, so they could go stay with their grandparents while we were in the hospital.  We were both shocked when she listened and was obedient! (something she found very challenging later on in life ;o)

Of course, this was all before ultra sounds, so we had no idea the gender of our baby.  My dad, who loved to write music, wrote a lullaby before she was born and it was for a baby girl.  Somehow, he knew. But the Raggedy Ann and Andy nursery theme would seem to work for either one, so we were ready to rock and roll with a new baby...boy or girl!

Wow...thirty-three years has flown, but I just marvel at the journey and what a wonderful woman Mandy Lynn has become.  As I watch her make her family her priority, my heart is happy.

I sat down the other day and made her a birthday necklace and earrings set.  It was similar to one I had made last month that she had tried to slip it on and hope that I would let her wear it home.  Nice try, but I haven't lost all of my senses yet.  Here is a picture of her necklace...

Mandy sent me a message last night saying that she received a compliment on her necklace while dining out with her family down in Florida. It's awesome when complete strangers compliment your jewelry!  This piece is really stunning in person...and shouts "SUMMER" with the aqua and white combination.  If you check out my Etsy shop, you'll find the original version available to order.  Also, if you would like some earrings to match, I would be happy to add those for only $10 more.

Happy April 15th to you, but a big, loving Happy Birthday to my dear daughter!

Cheers to you today!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Breaker, Breaker, 1-9...Do You Copy?"

Last week I posted about having had a day with two "trips down Memory Lane."  My first was about a trip to the Southwest.  My second trip was about the days of CB Radios...do you remember those? Like a GPS is today, we knew a good many people whose vehicles were equipped with a squawky radio.  Many road trips were spent listening to other people talking to each other and our trucker friends giving all listeners a head's up on all "Bears taking pictures" (police with radar) sitting in "hiding" just waiting to pull over the drivers who were in a hurry to get somewhere!  Ahhh...and we thought that was high tech and fancy lingo!

You may be wondering why this trip came into my mind while making jewelry.  Very good question.  It actually came to me while I was naming one of my latest necklaces.  Back in the day, those of us who had the luxury of owning a CB (citizen band) radio, also had a "handle"...a radio alias that our friends could use to "call" us if we were tuned into the same channel.  My "handle" was Blonde Copper...which was quite creative since I was blonde and drove a copper-colored station wagon!

As I was working on this beautiful copper necklace and thinking about its potential name, "Blonde Copper" came to mind in an instant.  It seemed perfect!  Again combining copper and pewter, this wrap necklace is contrasted with black rondelle-shaped crystals and oval black onyx.  Of course, what's a blog post without pictures?

It's fun...it's trendy...and it goes with so many different color combinations.  You will find more details after I list it on Etsy.

Oh, and one more point of trivia...my hubby's handle was "Dead Eye." I have to say, we made a great CB couple!  (And I bet you can figure out how he got his name.)

10-4 Good Buddy...it's Over and Out.

Catch ya on the flip flop...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect? Perfection Can Be My Enemy!

Just to give you a little background...last summer as I was getting more serious about having my own little business, I enlisted the help of my "adopted son" and artist/art teacher, Guy. As he listened to my ideas about my business name and logo, he drew it out on paper and emailed it to me. We talked more...and when he came for a visit, he perfected the logo, took me in another direction with the name, and came up with great business cards. We had an awesome time.  When we parted, he told me that I was going to make him a ring one day.  I did a huge LOL!

To my surprise, last October I learned how to make nesting beaded wire wrapped rings with my special ring mandrel, and sold several of those around Christmas time. (thanks in part to my friend, Rachel) I still thought about Guy's challenge for ring-making and got the LOL down to a loud chuckle.

Yesterday, I was inspired by a book I had picked up in my travels on Saturday, and sat down to tackle yet another style of ring.  I sat in my studio for four hours practicing on this new technique!  Rather than practice with sterling silver, I practiced with parawire.  As the saying goes...a picture is worth a thousand words, so rather than try to describe my efforts, here is a picture of my three practice rings:

I have to admit they are rather lame, but at least you get the idea of it.  The one that is sitting on the hand was the first one I made...and the bead swivels when you take it off.  I did LOL when I was done. I just wasn't "feelin' it", if you know what I mean.

After I was done with the silver one (on the right), I decided I would just take a deep breath and start making one in 16 gauge sterling silver.  Now in case you don't know a lot about silver wire, 16 gauge takes all the strength I have to bend...and this ring requires a considerable amount of bending.  Then I decided to hammer it before forming it to the ring mandrel.  The hammering makes the silver wire even harder, by the way.  Finally!  After bending, hammering, forming, and polishing, I had something that made me smile...really smile!  Here it is:

I was delighted with the outcome and then, of course, my mind wouldn't shut down last night. I looked at it closely and yes, I saw imperfections. Then I tried to think of another design that might work better. It was so ridiculous, that I forced myself to turn the light out at 12:30 and do a "hard shutdown" of my brain! It worked.

This morning my mind was back at it again, and I had decided not to be so critical of my efforts with the ring.  Thing is...I really want to be able to make a ring for Guy that will please that artistic eye of his!  I can only hope that someday soon I'll come up with something that he'll love.

Here is my second attempt to make a sterling silver ring.

Remember how I did a LOL at the mention of making rings?  Oh wow, here I sit trying to master it!  I'm going to keep practicing and practicing...since at the moment I don't think it's beyond the scope of my reach!  However, I cannot let perfection be my enemy...that's what makes "handcrafted" so special...you see the marks of the artist's bending tools and hammer.

And in case you're wondering, both of these are approximately size 8. (they fit my middle finger) If you're interested in having one made in your size, let me know!

Moving forward in leaps...one day at a time!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Man, Did I Trip Down Memory Lane

Today was one of those days when I made a trip down Memory Lane twice!  It's been a quiet, snowy, jewelry-making sort of day and it felt good to stay inside where it was warm and cozy rather than venturing outside.  So here's the first trip I took down the lane...

I found a double stranded necklace that I had bought on one of my trips to the southwest.  If you've ever made a trip to that part of the country, you might have seen Native American folks selling beautiful handcrafted jewelry.  We found them showcasing their items on blankets in rest stop areas and on tables in the center of small towns.  I bought a silver and malachite necklace and had apparently hung it on a hook in my closet and forgot about it...until this morning when I stumbled across it.  Honestly, I didn't recognize it at first...it was black...the silver had tarnished so bad I thought I would have to throw it out.  Since silver has really gone up in price, and I'm a bit cost conscious these days, I decided I would try to clean it up.  I found the silver cleaner, started to scrub and memories of that trip started floating through my mind.  As the silver began to sparkle a little bit, I was a little irritated that I hadn't thought to take a "before" picture.  But, I do have an "after" picture to use as a show-n-tell...here it is...

So, I was inspired to make my own version of this 1990's style of necklace.  Of course, I still have a couple of finishing touches to make, but I wanted to include it in this blog post now just so you get the idea of what it looks like.

I haven't decided what to name it yet, but as I take the final steps to complete it and take better photos of it, I'm sure it will come to me.

Phew, I'm tired from all of that "traveling" I did today!

Moving forward one day at a time...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yesterday's Discovery...I Am Not Random!

Some of you are saying, "Really, Carole? You didn't know that about yourself?" Okay, so it can sometimes take me awhile to figure stuff out, but hey, at least I get there eventually.

As I was sitting in my studio yesterday trying to make a chunky, "random" necklace, I became extremely frustrated.  I questioned my artistic abilities like never before.   Of course I've had some pieces that just didn't work out the way I wanted, and get to the point where I find myself taking them apart.  I wanted this one to be different...and yes, "random", but it wasn't working for me at all.  I must have wire-wrapped some of the beads and chain at least three or four times, to the point where I had to walk away.

Not being one to give up, I found myself back at it again later on, with a "I will conquer" attitude.  And I did conquer the necklace and earrings...but by not being "random" in the design.  Ha Ha!  I have to say, it did bother me that I find I am challenged by anything other than systematic.  I went to the on-line dictionary for the definition of random..."Having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective"...Oh that is SO not me!! Then I brought up the definition of systematic..."Characterized by the use of order and planning; methodical"...and yes, that is me to a T.  Do I fight it?  I didn't yesterday.

Here is my "Systematic" necklace, which I will name "Sis" for short and I have named the matching earrings "Sissy".  You will find it listed in my Etsy Shop later today or this evening.

As you can see, I did mix the metals...copper, pewter, and sterling silver.  I definitely like this set as it's a little more on the trendy side of fashion.

I'm afraid my desire to be "random" might keep me awake at night...but for now, I'll keep moving forward with what makes me smile!

Moving forward one day at a time...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

For the Love of Clusters!

I had an enjoyable weekend filled with quality time with my grandgirls. We had some "girl talk" while riding in the car, while preparing for our Friday Taco Night, and while sitting in the hot tub. Love those priceless times!

On Friday, I worked on a baby shower cake for my niece...whose husband leads worship at our church. As I contemplated the "cake topper", I wanted to have something relevant rather than the typical truck, car, boat or blocks (they are expecting a boy).  So, as I collaborated with my friends, we came up with a bass guitar for the topper.  Here's what it ended up looking like:

I also threw in a little jewelry making this weekend, working on a project that I've wanted to do for almost a year now.  I'm not quite sure what inspired me for this, but as with most of my creations, it was a thought that came into my head and I really felt the need to make it come to life.  It ended up being a complete set...starting with the bracelet, then the earrings, and then the pendant which was made from the one lonely bead that was left over.  Here is a sneak preview of the set:

 Bracelet is a combination of aqua, lime, white, and black. The clusters are made with white crystals, aqua glass beads, and lime glass beads.

This set is fun since it is made with bright colors and it just screams Spring and Summer!  It would be such a compliment to so many tops that are hanging in my closet...but alas, I will list it on Etsy tomorrow.

I am looking forward to spending some time building my inventory in preparation for two events in April.  Details will follow once I've got solid dates and times.

Moving forward one day at a time...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Spirals!

I am always, always looking for something new and different...and my brain doesn't like to shut down at night sometimes.  Last night was one of those nights.  I thought of many things to blog about today, and chose the topic of "spirals"...which I think you'll agree, adds so much fun to the piece featured in the header of my blog.

At the bead show earlier this month, I walked away with the purchase-of-the-day...a "Gizmo".  The "Gizmo" is a set of three tools that I use to coil wire into spirals.  I thought I would share a picture of the parts to the "Gizmo".  Maybe you can tell how I would use them?  Sounds like a good contest to me...and the winner gets a free pair of earrings!

Speaking of which, I have made a silver pair of spiral earrings to match the Rainbow Sherbet necklace pictured in the link at the right-hand side entitled, "My Photos".  Here is a sneak peak at the earrings...and I haven't even had a chance to list them on Etsy yet.  And yes, I made them using the "Gizmo"!

I have also been experimenting...I made longer spirals and shaped them into hoops to attach to some ear wires.  This was a suggestion from my dear friend Rachel at Koukla Mou Designs!

If you think you know how I make spiral beads with the "Gizmo"...just leave me a comment to this post explaining your thoughts on how it's done.  Oh, this could be quite interesting!!  I am actually planning to document the process in pictures and share with you all at a later date.

Moving forward one day at a time...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Spring!

Spring has always been my most favorite season...however, I've never been able to quite pinpoint why.  This year is truly different...for me, it represents the hope of "All Things New"! 

To celebrate this great season, I am offering a 20% savings off all of my listings on Etsy!  This offer will expire at midnight Monday, March 21st.  It's my first-ever sale!!  Be sure to use coupon code "SPRING20" on the checkout page.

I've also been busy trying to set up a new, small "studio" in my loft...it surely beats working at my dining room table!  It's such a bright and cheery place.  Here's a picture of where I can be found when I'm actually creating the designs that come into my head...

So this looks all nice and tidy right now, doesn't it?  Well, I've added more things since this picture was taken...but at least you can now visualize where I sit and work.  Today I started sorting my supplies...next up is the challenge of labeling the drawers and bins.  I just love being this organized!

Make sure you take advantage of my sale on Etsy.  Just add the coupon code "SPRING20" during checkout and you'll see the 20% savings automatically taken off your purchase.

Happy Spring!

Moving forward one day at a time...

Friday, March 18, 2011

One-of-a-Kind Designs

After years of being a stay-at-home Mom, I decided to go back to working outside my home so I could help pay for my girl's college.  (That was a very long time ago, so it seems!)  Circumstances led me to a fabulous doll collectible company and I'll admit I had more fun than I probably should have while collecting a paycheck.  I grew to LOVE, yes love the artists and their limited edition dolls or even one-of-a-kind dolls.  I stood in awe of their talent and was envious of their ability to be at home or in their studios creating...simply bringing to life all of the images they held in their dreams.

Now, years later, I am finding I never lost my desire to dream, design, create, and grow my own business. Although I wish I could sculpt a doll, I have discovered I am much better at sculpting jewelry.  I love wearing jewelry...it makes me feel so feminine and complete.  It's interesting how I used to pay hundreds of dollars for rings, necklaces, earrings...always giving my darling hubby ideas as to what to buy me for Christmas or birthdays.  This is not my focus any longer...and I think hubby is extremely happy! 

I just love to create jewelry that you can't find on a department store shelf...true, blue, one-of-a-kind type jewelry.  Handcrafted with more love than you could ever imagine.  Never before have I received so many compliments on what I'm wearing for jewelry, and I love the look I get when I say I made it!  I liken it to how I feel when I spend a little extra on a really nicely made outfit versus buying something inexpensive.  When I wear that extra special outfit, I feel like a million bucks!

Do you have a special outfit or occasion that needs a special piece of jewelry?  If you don't see something in my Etsy Shop, please call me.  I would be honored to help you with just the right piece of jewelry at a price you can afford.  Yes, I am rebuilding my career by finally going after my dreams!

Moving forward one day at a time!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My First Blog Post

Today is a monumental day in the life of C J Collection.  As I sit here with my wonderful friend, Tracy, who is an expert blogger, I have to say...it's been a blast!  It's the first time this week I've actually felt like I've learned something new and fun!

I will be posting about the dreams and designs that go into my jewelry, and you might even find out more about what keeps me awake until 2:00 a.m.  My hope is that I will meet new friends and stay connected with my current friends...and that you, who take the time to read my thoughts, will also appreciate the love I put into my creations.

You can find C J Collection at www.mycjcollection.com.  If you are on Facebook, you can also "Like" C J Collection and follow me there as well.  It will keep you updated on my latest listings in my online shop.  Please...let's stay connected!

Moving forward one day at a time...