Tuesday, September 10, 2013

C J is "Back to School"

Fall means "Back to School."  On several occasions, I made an attempt (albeit it, half-hearted) to go back to school to get that degree I was too busy to earn all of those years ago "BK" (before kids).  I started.  I stopped.  Started.  Stopped.  I guess you can say I couldn't figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up.  Oh, don't get me wrong, I have done plenty of things that have kept me busy over the past four and a half decades!  But that's another post for another day.

Last winter, I decided to take a 12-week course in metalsmithing.  Okay, so I finally found my true love for what school should really look and feel like for me.  If I were to spell this kind of "school" it would be spelled F-U-N!  I L-O-V-E it!  It has opened up a whole new world for me.

Over the past several months, I have begun adding metalsmithing tools and equipment to my workspace.  I've tried hard to turn this space into an organized studio where I can create beautiful jewelry.  It's been challenging for me to figure out how to make a sturdy workbench for my torch, rolling mill, and tumbler.  At this point, I might need to hire someone to help me get to where I want it to be, but for now, it's a place I love to go to get lost in my creative world.

It has taken a lot of courage for me to venture into using a torch to solder metal.  I used to shake all over during my classes whenever I used the torch - it scared me so I jumped whenever I turned it on.  When I first got my own torch, it took days (maybe weeks) to go get the tank to hook it all up.  Then, whenever I wanted to turn it on, I broke out into a cold sweat and had heart palpitations so bad I thought I would pass out.  This "schooling" has taught me so many things:  courage to use the scarey equipment, courage to be okay with making a mistake with silver, and courage to try new things.  I'm beginning to collect a "Silver Bucket of Mistakes", but what "metalsmither" doesn't have this type of collection?  Although it has taken a lot of self-talk, I find that it's perfectly okay for me to make a mistake.  Whether my project turns out great or whether it is added to the bucket collection, I'm learning and gaining skills I never had before.  Now isn't that what school is all about?

So, my next 12 weeks of classes begin on September 24th.  I've got a list of projects a mile long and can't wait to start learning new techniques.  I'm very excited.  I just can't decide what I want to tackle first.  Good thing I have a couple of weeks to figure it all out.

Happy Fall,