Friday, April 1, 2011

Man, Did I Trip Down Memory Lane

Today was one of those days when I made a trip down Memory Lane twice!  It's been a quiet, snowy, jewelry-making sort of day and it felt good to stay inside where it was warm and cozy rather than venturing outside.  So here's the first trip I took down the lane...

I found a double stranded necklace that I had bought on one of my trips to the southwest.  If you've ever made a trip to that part of the country, you might have seen Native American folks selling beautiful handcrafted jewelry.  We found them showcasing their items on blankets in rest stop areas and on tables in the center of small towns.  I bought a silver and malachite necklace and had apparently hung it on a hook in my closet and forgot about it...until this morning when I stumbled across it.  Honestly, I didn't recognize it at was black...the silver had tarnished so bad I thought I would have to throw it out.  Since silver has really gone up in price, and I'm a bit cost conscious these days, I decided I would try to clean it up.  I found the silver cleaner, started to scrub and memories of that trip started floating through my mind.  As the silver began to sparkle a little bit, I was a little irritated that I hadn't thought to take a "before" picture.  But, I do have an "after" picture to use as a it is...

So, I was inspired to make my own version of this 1990's style of necklace.  Of course, I still have a couple of finishing touches to make, but I wanted to include it in this blog post now just so you get the idea of what it looks like.

I haven't decided what to name it yet, but as I take the final steps to complete it and take better photos of it, I'm sure it will come to me.

Phew, I'm tired from all of that "traveling" I did today!

Moving forward one day at a time...

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