I had an enjoyable weekend filled with quality time with my grandgirls. We had some "girl talk" while riding in the car, while preparing for our Friday Taco Night, and while sitting in the hot tub. Love those priceless times!
On Friday, I worked on a baby shower cake for my niece...whose husband leads worship at our church. As I contemplated the "cake topper", I wanted to have something relevant rather than the typical truck, car, boat or blocks (they are expecting a boy). So, as I collaborated with my friends, we came up with a bass guitar for the topper. Here's what it ended up looking like:
I also threw in a little jewelry making this weekend, working on a project that I've wanted to do for almost a year now. I'm not quite sure what inspired me for this, but as with most of my creations, it was a thought that came into my head and I really felt the need to make it come to life. It ended up being a complete set...starting with the bracelet, then the earrings, and then the pendant which was made from the one lonely bead that was left over. Here is a sneak preview of the set:
Bracelet is a combination of aqua, lime, white, and black. The clusters are made with white crystals, aqua glass beads, and lime glass beads.
This set is fun since it is made with bright colors and it just screams Spring and Summer! It would be such a compliment to so many tops that are hanging in my closet...but alas, I will list it on Etsy tomorrow.
I am looking forward to spending some time building my inventory in preparation for two events in April. Details will follow once I've got solid dates and times.
Moving forward one day at a time...
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